Do It For Dolly
Today is ‘Do it for Dolly day
Today is an important day in the equine community, it’s Dolly’s Day – where we remember the beautiful young lady, 14-year-old Amy ‘Dolly’ Everett, who took her own life after being bullied and cyber bullied.
Why is this an important day for everyone in the equine community? Because it is up to all of us to support each other in this community.
Thankfully over the last few years, awareness has risen about the bullying that occurs in equestrian sport. I’m sure that everyone who is reading this article has either experienced or witnessed bullying in riding. But while I feel there is some improvement in the attitudes of riders, we’re not there yet.
Every single day on Facebook I see comments or posts from other riders that are completely inappropriate and borderline bullying. I have overheard disgusting things being said about riders at competitions.
I was one of those riders, with the uneducated horses, ordinary gear and too poor to afford lessons.
This day hits home for me as at age 15, I was lucky to have survived a suicide attempt after bullying became too much for me. But everyday, beautiful souls like Dolly’s are taken, and we can do something to prevent it.
We have to realise every time we make a comment on someone’s post, or a remark about their riding at a competition or watching a video that we have a choice.
We can choose to find fault, to make comments that bring others down, or make comments that inspire, encourage and empower.
This is where we have the power, and it’s a choice we can all make today. Let’s set the right example and #doitfordolly
To learn more about the Dolly’s dream foundation, head to their website. https://dollysdream.org.au/